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- Black Friday/Cyber Week 2022 Deals for the Tailwind CSS Community
Black Friday/Cyber Week 2022 Deals for the Tailwind CSS Community
Hello folks!
We all know this week we'll be seeing LOTS of sales due to Black Friday and wanting to join the fun I decided to compile a list of deals that I think could be useful to Tailwind CSS developers.
The regular newsletter will be coming this Saturday as usual.
Now, here's the list!
Note: Some of these links are affiliate links, which means I get compensated in some way if you buy through them but I promise I only recommend products I really like!
Let's start with the Tailwind Labs bundle!

You'll get access to:
Over 500 Tailwind CSS component examples in HTML, React, and Vue
All of their website templates, built with Tailwind CSS + Next.js
All three in-depth Refactoring UI video tutorials
All of the Refactoring UI bonus content, including color palettes, font recommendations, and an exclusive icon library
The "CSS for Javascript Developers" course made by Josh, which I think is the best CSS course ever, is having a Black Friday sale. It's a whopping 50% off!
Polypane, a browser for developers who want to build responsive, accessible, and performant websites, is offering 30% off their yearly plans. If you build responsive websites, this is a must-have tool.
Beyond Code, the makers of Windy and Devtools for Tailwind CSS, is having a sale on all their products with up to 70% off on some of them. They're also famous for their Laravel-specific dev tools apps and all their products are super high quality!
Laracasts, the Netflix for Laravel developers, is having a 45% off sale on all plans including the lifetime deal!
Debugging CSS, the book that will help you improve your debugging CSS skills and reduce the time you spend on CSS bugs is now just $16.5 by using the code nov22 .
Iconfinder, my preferred place to buy custom and unique icons and illustrations, is offering 70% off on the first month of any monthly plan.
Inspect Flow, the complete developer tool for Tailwind CSS, is offering 50% off and it's a one-time fee. You can check it out here.
Tower, the excellent git client and the one I personally use, is offering 50% off any plan this week.
SetApp, which offers a large collection of powerful Mac apps available by subscription, is offering 20% off of their yearly plan.
Caleb Porzio's Make VS Code Awesome course is 50% Off for Black Friday! This is an excellent course on how to customize and improve your VS Code experience.
Shruti Balasa's Complete Guide to CSS Flex and Grid ebook is on sale and you can get 60% off by using code BlackFriday22.
Wes Bos's Beginner Javascript course is 50% off this week only!
DevUtils, an all-in-one toolbox for developers, is 50% OFF with code BLACKFRIDAY_2022
Florian Pop's "Ten++ Ways to Make Money as a Developer" ebook is on sale, get 50% off by using code BLACKFRIDAY2022
Ankur Tyagi's The Prime Guide For Next Gen Developer, which contains everything you need in a typical career path of a software engineer or developer, is on sale for 50% off.
Ahmad Awais's NodeCLI.com and VSCode.pro courses are on sale for 80% off, no code necessary.
RightFont, the ultimate font manager app for Mac is offering 20% off on all their plans.