Tailwind Weekly #66: happy thanksgiving weekend!

Hello folks!

For those of you in the United States, Happy Thanksgiving weekend πŸ¦ƒ, I hope you had a great time with your family this past Thursday ❀️.

For the rest of us, happy Black Friday week πŸ˜‚, I hope you got a good deal on anything you bought, and if you didn't see it, I posted a great list about good deals I thought would be useful for TailwindCSS devs, you can check it here.

Also folks, no major news this week, everybody is busy either eating turkey or checking Black Friday deals so we'll skip that section this week 😌.

Now, let's move on to what you really came for, the usual menu πŸ˜‰.  

🀩 Sponsor

The sponsor of this issue is Windy – the browser extension that transforms any HTML element into a Tailwind CSS component with a single click. Save hours or days when you convert your non-Tailwind sites to Tailwind or go to any website and see how you can build any element with Tailwind CSS. Get a 20% discount if you use the code TAILWIND-WEEKLY during the checkout.

πŸ“š Learning

This is a great post detailing the thought process of a tech company that decided to move to TailwindCSS. I loved the "Getting the team onboard" section, especially this paragraph:

Switching to Tailwind is unintuitive at first. The biggest question is when to use Tailwind, and when should I use custom classes? After some experimentation, we decided to componentise as much as we could and use Tailwind classes except for couple of edge cases.

If you're still on the fence about moving to TailwindCSS at your company, this article might help you, overall its a great read.

πŸ’… Showcase

Excellent marketing page from the team at Reel, you can see some resemblance to Tailwind UI components but the site looks very clean, the typography is beautiful and the subtle shadows and gradients really make it stand out. Also, that dark mode is πŸ‘Œ.

🎁 Resource

Another great resource from Josh, this time we get an awesome CSS shadow generator. Forget Material Design shadows, with this tool you can make your shadows look very realistic, a la "Refactoring UI" style.

πŸ‘Œ Promoted links

Note: Some of these links are affiliate links, which means I get compensated in some way if you buy through them but I promise I only recommend products I really like!

Red Pixel Themes is having a Black Friday sale! Use coupon code BFSALE to get 50% off any of our templates. We have portfolio, business, blog, and e-commerce templates if you’re interested.

Polypane, a browser for developers who want to build responsive, accessible, and performant websites, is having a Black Friday sale offering 30% off any plan. If you build responsive websites, this is a must-have tool.

Inspect Flow - The complete developer tool for Tailwind CSS. 50% off sale: inspectflow.io

This Week In React: the best of React & React-Native news. Sebastien filters the noise, and you save time!

Want to share something with the TailwindCSS community? You can submit a link or message me on Twitter @vivgui.

Want to support the newsletter? You can buy me a coffee with the link below 😁.